Behavioral Health

Signs of stress you shouldn't ignore
Behavioral Health

Behavioral health involves many aspects of our daily lives. At its core, behavioral health represents our mental health, which includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It also represents our struggles with substance use, ranging from excessive caffeine consumption to problems with drugs and alcohol.

However, it is important to recognize that behavioral health also represents our general emotions, thoughts, and actions. Importantly, our level of behavioral health impacts our ability to respond to life stressors and crises. When our behavioral health suffers, we are less likely to effectively cope with events that are happening in the external world around us. In turn, stressful life experiences impact our behavioral health.

Stressful Circumstances and Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health Challenges

The challenges related to stressful circumstances are complex and numerous, however the issues most central to our behavioral health include:

  • Stress and its impact on our body
  • Excess worry
  • The challenge of caring for ourselves and our loved ones
  • Seeing mental health symptoms appear that we have never experienced before, or having past symptoms recur and grow
  • Feeling the urge to use alcohol, drugs, or other substances to distract and numb us from what is going on

These issues emphasize the fact that we cannot ignore our behavioral health during stressful circumstances. Instead, by focusing on our behavioral health, we can put effort into something that we can control. By focusing on our behavioral health, we are also helping ourselves become stronger and more resilient.

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Helpful tips to cope
Behavioral Health

Focus on Coping

This website, including the different modules found along the navigation bar at the top of your screen, is meant to help individuals in our community think about ways to cope during stressful times. Feel free to use these videos found on the following web page for tools on how to manage stress:

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Modules describing signs and symptoms of behavioral health conditions are not diagnostic. If you have questions or concerns about your mental well-being, contact My Sanford Nurse at 701.234.5000, 1.800.821.5167, or click here to find a Sanford Health care professional. If you are having thoughts of self-harm, call the suicide prevention LIFELINE anytime at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If this is an emergency, please call 911.