Ask an Expert

Ask an Expert is a special section of the Behavioral Health Bridge website that provides answers to common behavioral health questions from our community. A single question will be highlighted in each entry, followed by feedback from a local expert on the topic. The goal is to share clear and reliable information about topics that are important to our community.

Community Questions and Responses

When to seek help

Andrew J. McLean, MD, MPH

Associate Dean for Wellness                        Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science School of Medicine & Health Sciences University of North Dakota

(Article Date: 05/29/2024)


Kathryn Gordon, Ph.D., LP

Psychologist, Sanford Women’s Health and 
Assistant Scientist, Sanford Center for Biobehavioral Research

(Article Date: 10/29/2021)

Seeking Help for an Eating Disorder – For You and Your Loved Ones

Stephen Wonderlich, Ph.D.

Vice-President for Research, Sanford Research

Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

(Article Date: 09/03/2021)

Child Mental Health

Stefanie Hanisch, M.D. Psychiatrist
Child Psychiatry
Sanford Health
(Article Date: 07/09/2021)

Children's Access to "Screen Time"

Stefanie Hanisch, M.D. Psychiatrist
Child Psychiatry
Sanford Health

(Article Date: 05/28/2021)

Emotional Stress in Children

Stefanie Hanisch, M.D. Psychiatrist
Child Psychiatry
Sanford Health
(Article Date: 04/02/2021)

Coping with Urges to Drink Alcohol

Melissa J. Henke, M.D. Psychiatrist Medical Director North Dakota Professional Health Program & Heartview Foundation (Article Date: 03/05/2021)